Why is AngularJS mind-blowingly cool?
AngularJS is about extending HTML not manipulating it after-the-fact
...but you can if you have to...
Comes with jqLite built in and can use jQuery not even recommended to load it unless you need it!
<code>ng-init</code> "Run this expression!"
<code>ng-show</code> "Make me display: visible if..."
<code>ng-click</code> "If I'm clicked, run this expression!"
<code>ng-disabled</code> "Make me disabled if..."
But how is this different from good old <code>onclick</code>, ...?
AngularJS applications have scopes separate out the app from the page, and the app parts from each other
AngularJS has an HTML compiler so why not make some custom html?
AngularJS directives the real ultimate power
Always using directives even if you don't know it yet!
Attribute directives ng-click, ng-disabled, ng-show, ng-model
Directives have scope and can be isolated not quite the same as handlers attached to the DOM
No working with <code>window</code>, no need for <code>$.fn.data()</code> All completely self-contained
Automatic two-way data binding the bee's knees
Bind right to Plain Old JavaScript Objects no need for custom model classes if you don't need them
Pretty cool, huh?
No event binding, no message passing, no custom classes It Just Works (tm)
Has all the bits you would expect XHR, UI libraries, animation support, unit testing helpers, and more!
More libraries being developed all the time Very active community
That's all I've got for now...
AngularJS http://angularjs.org
This talk is an AngularJS app, too! http://github.com/johnbintz/angularjs-blow_your_mind
Thank you! http://www.johnbintz.com/